Lake Cerknica is home to numerous and various feathered creatures – colourful, dotted, loud, ballet-inspired, romantic, special, rare, and even endangered. For some birds the lake represents a permanent home, for others it is only a summer residence or even just a temporary rest stop.
This Wednesday (as well as the next one) we will observe birds, because their life is extremely interesting and even comparable to reality shows we watch on television. Quarrels, love, food, the struggle for life and death, a race for domination, winners and losers. At the same time, the lake is an idyllic environment with thousands of different shades to it. It’s not always there, but there are always reedbeds and, in warmer periods, numerous flowers and other plants.
But let’s be more precise – before we can observe birds, we will look through the binoculars of the future and see the carefully chosen perfect spots for perfect views – BIRD OBSERVATORIES. There will be five of them at the lake, each with its own name and shape:
Location: by the panoramic educational trial (more about this in future instalments of Binoculars), on the section that passes through the forest and descends from the ridge Kleni vrh towards the road Dolenje jezero – Otok.
Looking carefully through the Binoculars, we see a wooden platform with a roof, some kind of partially enclosed cottage, on a slightly elevated part at the edge of the forest. It has room for up to 50 people (two school classes). The beams hold informational boards with information about interesting birds. Close to the observatory, there are five long comfortable wooden benches you can use for rest, meditation, or as an outdoor classroom.
Location: A few hundred meters from the Ribiški kot observatory, at the top of ridge Kleni vrh.
In only a few months there will be another wooden, half-open house with a wonderful view of the lake. Next to it, in the shadow of trees, there will be an amphitheatre of long wooden benches.
Hey, have you just seen them on the lake?! Two ruffs! In winter, the males and females have very similar plumage – the underparts are lighter, grey-white, whereas the upperparts are darker, grey-brown. The base of the beak is bordered with white, but in the summer almost every bird is different.
NEXT TIME ON BINOCULARS: a tower, a lonely rock and a view of Triglav!