The third video within the LIFE Stržen project has been published! Today, 11/11 at exactly 11 a.m. we premiered it on our Youtube channel and on Facebook. It is also available on our Twitter and Instagram profiles, and we also offer it on this website.
Through the eyes of a local, Katarina Braniselj, known to the general public as the National Television News anchor and a journalist, we relive her memories of the lake three decades ago, consider how many things remain the same and present the novelties that go hand in hand with nature.
“I come from a house, located only a few hundred metres from the lake and from all of this ever – changing nature. As a child, I remember, I was taking the lake playfully. My memories are mainly related to great events: mowing on the lake, my grandmother working on the field by the lake; we had a cross country track, we put the cows out to pasture, which is a remarkable experience that very few people of my age are familiar with today. At the entrance point to the lake, there was a bowling alley, weekend dances with live music were organized there; we, the kids, were running around, having fun, there was no hour fixed for us to go to bed, because our parents were having so much fun. In short, these are some unforgettable memories for me.”
This is our third film after the films Dark Side of Lake Cerknica and The Birds of Lake Cerknica. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of nature of Lake Cerknica through the eyes of individuals from local community and at the same time to inform the public about the work of our park. The fourth video will be dedicated to the renaturation of the Stržen watercourse on the lake and will be published at the end of the year 2021.