You are invited to join us at the final presentation of activities on the youth ornithological camp “Cerknica 2018”, which will take place on Sunday, 1 July 2018, at 2 PM in Lovski dom LD Cerknica, Zelše 8d, 1380 Cerknica.
This June, DOPPS – Birdlife Slovenia, along with Notranjska Regional Park and the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, organized a youth camp in the scope of project LIFE Stržen. The camp will take place from 24 June to 1 July 2018 near the village Zelše by Cerknica Lake.
24 participants will learn how to contribute to the conservation of wetlands through regular monitoring of birds, as well as concrete nature conservation actions. They will also get to know different habitats in the vicinity of the lake. Participants will be split into groups, led by experienced ornithologists. At the end of the camp, the young ornithologists will analyse the gathered information and present the results of their work to the public. This will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and public awareness in this area.
We hope to see you there!