What kind of tourism do we want in the Cerknica municipality? What are Notranjski park’s priorities, particularly now that it has a special unit for tourism? What does the last tourist season show? Those were all the topics at the meeeting of park’s representatives with everyone, who is part of the tourtist development in the region. We met on Friday, December 10th 2019 in The Multigenerational Family Center on Čabranska street in Cerknica.
The turnout was incredibly high. More than 40 accomodation and restaurant providers, tourist guides, tourist and other associations representatives attended the event.
At the meeting the park’s new Tourism Unit was presented. Its team has 3 members: Urška Ogrinc as head of the Unit, Miha Jernejič in the role of head of the Tourist Information Centre and Ladi Klančar who has just joined the team as an experienced coordinator of projects in the region’s tourist area. The meeting concentrated on three main points: an overview of the park’s tourist season of 2019, the role of the park in the development of tourism and the priorities and the tourist developement strategy for 2020.

While the park is writing its tourist strategy, the opinion of tourism stakeholders is key. Maja Košuta (left on the photo) is the senior consultant in the LIFE project.
Maja Košuta, a senior consultant in the LIFE project presented the process and the results of park’s Thematic Weekends in 2019. Their aim was to test tourist providers with the goal to create tourist offers which will be economically rentable after the project is done as well.
Košuta also presented the results of our analyses of the satisfaction of Thematic Weekends partcipants and the activity providers. There were 33 activites between April and September of 2019. Most of the participants who evaluated them have claimed to be extremely satisfied.
Our key statystics show that in year of 2019 (until October) there were approximately 10% less overnight accommodations than in 2018. In the municipality of Cerknica there is a high percentage of foreign visitors, especially Italians, Germans, French, Dutch and Belgians. The key focus for our work in the 2020 is to increase the competences of tourist providers and the tourism developement and to upgrade the already existing tourist products into experiences in the area of the park. Our main goal is to increase our guest’s consumption also per tourist services not just accommodation capacities.

The Notranjska park key focus for the year 2020 will be to extend the tourist activities where we will connect with the local existind and the potential providers.
The biggest project of the year 2020, which will demand intense cooperation of all the tourist stakeholders, will be the elaboration of our Strategy for the development of sustainable tourism in the area of Notranjska regional park 2020-2025, where we will try to find a common base for tourism in this area, together with the locals, especially with the ones already taking part in the tourism activities.

The park will not be able wo write its tourism story without the bold locals with great business ideas.
Photography: Ljubo Vukelič