Welcome to our new column Binoculars! Each week, we will look through our magical binoculars and gaze into the future. We will travel around Cerknica Lake and see how it will look after new infrastructure has been established: walking, educational, cycling and boating trails, innovative bird observatories and a new up-to-date Tourist Information Centre.
We will walk down two educational trails, a longer one, full of exciting experiences, and another, circular, which will amaze you with numerous crystal water springs.
You will see future bird observatories and their various shapes: one in the shape of a tower, another, that reminds us of a cottage by a lake… The binoculars will also show us three neat wooden piers in innovative shapes. It’ll be possible to see a solitary wolf through an interactive signpost, children will be able to climb with a lynx and even bears won’t be missing. Keep up with our column Binoculars, since each Wednesday, we will reveal in detail part of the puzzle of the future image of Cerknica Lake. See you around!
Next time: Currently, the lake water level is high, so we will look through our binoculars to see the planned piers with our colleague Dejvid Tratnik.