On the seventh themed weekend, on Saturday’s walk along Lake Cerknica, the visitors got the chance to know some of the plants which have been helping people for centuries with their daily tasks, relieving their health problems, aiding them in the kitchen and in cosmetics. They got to know St. John’s wort, chicory, Lady`s bedstraw, Loosestrife and many others. At the end of the route, they were greeted by snacks prepared especially for them by the Notranjska okuševalnica.
Due to rainy weather, the Sunday’s activity was moved to the premises of the new Visitor`s Center. The academic painter Andreja Gorjanc taught the children to make a little bird figure, while the parents, led by France and Bernarda Kandare, made some “bird’s nests” – smaller baskets. We spent a wonderful and instructive morning.
The guide of themed activities is financed by the LIFE Stržen project, so it is free of charge for the participants.