In Ključi area we started transporting soil from the restored meanders excavated in 2019 to the flattened chanel, which we will fill up this summer. The construction workers carefully drive close to the riverbed only, to minimize encroachment on nature. With the help of excavators and dumpers and a tractor with a trailer, they transport the excavated earth two years ago, which is already completely overgrown with reeds.
Before we fill the channel, we will have to save crabs and fish out of it. The fishermen have already started to set pots with baits for the crayfish to transport them daily to the newly dug meander. The crayfish are expected to be fished out for a week, then we will set up a plug in the middle of the channel, pump out some water, then rescue and relocate more fish before the first part of the channel is finally backfilled. We will later follow the same procedure for the lower and shorter part of the channel.