Notranjska Regional Parks`s expert associate and head of LIFE Stržen project Irena Likar has attended “The 12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration” as an invited presenter. The event that took place on September 7-10 2021 was organized by the University of Alicante, Spain and was performed on-line, due to the SARS-CoV-2 risks. Its main topic was: Restoring continuity and barriers removal in rivers: complexity of managing Ecological Restoration projects. Likar` presentation was entitled Improvement of Natura 2000 statuses with renaturation of Stržen’s riverbed on intermittent Cerknica Lake.
The event was performed on-line. Irena Likar during the presentation. Next to her our biologist Jošt Stergaršek.
The Stržen riverbed renaturation was made possible by LIFE financial support.
Irena Likar ob Cerkniškem jezeru. Foto: Jošt Stergaršek