Due to high water levels, the male Bittern returned to Cerknica Lake quite late this year. We detected it first on 24 April, when the water levels started dropping. In the beginning of May we performed the first of the five planned triangulations of the Bittern. During this process three surveyors stood on three different points and simultaneously recorded the direction and time of the male’s drumming. After cross-checking all the directions, we can now claim with certainty that the male is drumming in the area of Beli breg, where there are large expanses of dense, high reed-beds. Marcin Polak, a Polish expert on the Bittern, who visited us mid-April, advised us to start looking for nests when the male is regularly present in the area for at least 14 consecutive days. This is our task for the following couple of weeks.
You can find out why we are searching for the Bittern and what special significance it has HERE.
We hope we will be able to share news about our success soon. Keep your fingers crossed!
Author: Katarina Denac, DOPPS Birdlife International Slovenia