Until 10 February 2019 you can still vote for best submissions on our website LIFE Stržen (https://life.notranjski-park.si/sl/natecaj/). The choice is not easy because all participants have sent us some real masterpieces. After overviewing all the received art products, we realized that five contributors are older than specified in application terms. Nevertheless, we have posted their entries on our website, because we are happy for each product we have received and we also believe that all deserve to be published. We informed their mentors that prizes for the first three places will not be awarded to those participants, but we decided that they will still receive a symbolic reward, if they reach top three spots.
In the last few weeks we have received a lot of calls and emails from parents and mentors, expressing their disagreement with the way of selecting the best products – internet voting. This grading system of products was selected at the very beginning of the competition and was clearly defined in the application terms. All participants were informed about it when they decided to sign up and submit their products. For future competitions, we will reconsider the format of selecting winning products, but for this competition the rules and criteria have to remain unchanged.