A film is dedicated to the Gray wolf, as his scout name was, Pavel Kunaver, a great fighter for the preservation of Lake Cerknica in its original form. This is what we are also striving for in Notranjska Park by renaturation of straihtened riverbeds. In the film, his son, the eminent professor dr. Jurij Kunaver narrates about his father`s great love for this intermittent lake.
“Establishing the old situation is a process that we rarely meet anywhere, but it is present here on Lake Cerknica. The Notranjska Regional Park certainly does not implement it without problems. It is impossible to restore the old state completerly. On the other hand, this effort is an expression of respect, a particularly intense and distinct attitude towards nature, which should develop in its own way, and we should admire it as it is.” Jurij Kunaver
The video was filmed as part of our LIFE Stržen project, thanks to the financial support of which we have managed to return the meanders of Stržen waterflow, also mentioned by Kunaver in the film.
The film can be viewed HERE!