As part of the LIFE Stržen project, the Notranjska Regional Park undertook the reactivation of the former bends of Stržen, the largest sinkhole in the Cerknica field. This will extend this watercourse and thus provide the wild inhabitants of the lake, plants, fish, birds and other aquatic and riparian organisms with more space to live and raise their offspring.
Activation of the former Stržen bends required the use of heavy construction machinery, which also resulted in some mechanical damage to the soil and thus changes in the vegetation cover in some parts of the area (e.g. areas of excavated material transport and temporary excavated material landfill).
For the purposes of monitoring the succession of unoccupied space and the development of the plants in different habitats, we will conduct phytocenological inventories (inventories of plant communities), and we will also measure various environmental factors that will help us understand the patterns of diversity and distribution of organisms and communities in space.
Photos by Jošt Stergaršek