World Water Day, held on 22 March every year since 1993, focuses on the importance of freshwater. The theme of World Water Day 2021 is valuing water. The value of water is about much more than its price – water has enormous and complex value for our households, food, culture, health, education, economics and the integrity of our natural environment. It reminds us, the people living on this part of the planet, where fresh drinkable water comes out of the tap for us anytime we want it to, actually means nothing but prestige. The theme of World Water Day 2021 is aimed at raising awareness of the global water crisis, the lack of clean water and of what water means to us.
The inhabitants of the Cerknica municipality are very lucky, as they are surrounded by the largest intermittent lake in Europe. Extremely valuable and biotically diverse lake, where 276 birds were observed, 45 species of mammals, 125 species of butterflies and 15 species of amphibians live here. It is right that we are proud of this lake of ours, different every day. So let’s not pollute it. Do not throw waste into it and do not pour slurry.
With the LIFE Stržen project, financed from European funds, its team from Notranjska Park is working on the reconstruction of main riverbed of the intermittent Cerknica Lake to its original natural path.
One of the LIFE Stržen Project`s goal is to to mitigate the negative consequences of Lake Cerknica drying up, to improve the existing habitat of the endangered Eurasian bittern bird. It is a migratory water bird which belongs to the heron family. In Slovenia it only nests in the Lake Cerknica area. Irena Likar, head of LIFE Stržen Project, and her teamhave been solving the problem of leveled riverbeds of Lake Cerknica for 10 years. At first, it was important to prepare all the constructin and restructuring documentation for restoring the dug riverbeds to their original condition and carrying out the reconstruction of two smaller watercourses. Other LIFE team activities are dedicated to the improvement of living conditions of endangered corncrake species. The renovation will bring many other benefits to Lake Cerknica and its inhabitants.
World Water Day, celebrated every year on 22 March, was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 to draw the world’s attention to the importance of water resources and the need for its better management.
Photo by Tine Šubic